Summary Look at Efficacious Disinfection in Healthcare Facilities

Cayman Healthcare Consulting - Healthcare Associated Illnesses

By: Barrie Quappé MPA, RN, BSN – Consultant/Director: Healthcare-associated infection, or HAI’s, occur more commonly than the average person may assume. In 2015, Cayman News Service reported: “(CNS): The George […]

Government Policy Implementation – The Impossible Dream?

Cayman Healthcare Consulting - Government Policy Implementation

By: Barrie Quappé MPA, RN, BSN – Consultant/Director: How often do we find ourselves noting that a law has been passed but implementation has not happened? The leap from a […]

Attending the SOCRA Conference – Great Insights Part II

Cayman Healthcare Consulting - SOCRA Conference Insights Part II

By: Barrie Quappé RN, BSN – Consultant/Director: This article is a continuation of Attending the SOCRA Conference – Great Insights! from last week. The Society of Clinical Research Associates (‘SOCRA’) […]

Attending the SOCRA Conference – Great Insights!

Cayman Healthcare Consulting - SOCRA Conference 2017

By: Barrie Quappé RN, BSN – Consultant/Director: The Society of Clinical Research Associates (‘SOCRA’) is a US-based group with a self-described mission of being “a non-profit, charitable and educational membership […]